
︎︎︎ brand & identity
︎︎︎ concept
︎︎︎ layout
︎︎︎ webdesign
︎︎︎ e-commerce
︎︎︎ sales

Dashmere was an online platform that aimed to showcase and promote emerging fashion designers and stores across Europe.

One distinctive feature was our approach to inventory, as we worked without stock. Instead, products were shipped directly from the designers and shops to the customers.

As the co-founder and creative director at Dashmere, I have been involved in a wide range of responsibilities, acquiring a diverse skill set and professional maturity.

I played a fundamental role in creating the brand and shaping its identity across different assets. This includes designing the logo and website, developing concepts for campaigns, and creating social media material.
Additionally, I have been actively involved in managing the website's content and collaborating on sales.